Accelerate Proposal Cost Volume Creation with New Cost Volume Pro

June 13, 2024
Accelerate Proposal Cost Volume Creation

Now, your government proposal cost volumes can be half-done before they’re even begun. Deltek + ProPricer is thrilled to introduce Cost Volume Pro, a pivotal add-on to ProPricer Contractor Edition. This powerful web-based tool is specifically designed to tackle the often-daunting task of preparing complete, accurate cost submissions in response to Requests for Proposals (RFPs).

Cost Volume Pro is an on-premises platform that uses Contractor Edition’s data and external files to create cost volumes that comply with government RFPs. The software is designed to streamline the cost volume development process, creating consistency in submission packages and control over who sees what during the bid submission process.

With Cost Volume Pro, your proposal submissions become even more accurate and efficient, ensuring your bids are as compliant as they are commanding.

Streamline Your Proposal Submission Process

Preparing a cost volume is an intricate process that calls for continuous attention to detail. Traditionally, this task involves numerous manual steps, each prone to human error and time-consuming revisions. Cost Volume Pro revolutionizes this process by allowing you to begin preparing your cost volume during proposal kick-off. This early start ensures that all cost and pricing data are aligned from the outset, significantly reducing the risk of inconsistencies.

One of Cost Volume Pro's standout features is its ability to insert direct references to cost and pricing data that update automatically. This dynamic linking ensures that any changes made to the underlying data are immediately reflected in your cost volume, eliminating the need for manual cross-checks. This feature alone can save countless hours and costly mistakes.

Easily Integrate Two Solutions. Dominate Your Next Contract.

The seamless integration of Cost Volume Pro with ProPricer Contractor Edition means you can enhance your existing ProPricer environment without the need for extensive training or system overhauls. Plus, the Cost Volume Pro add-on leverages the look and feel of other web-based products like ProPricer BOE Pro, enabling your team to quickly adopt its advanced features.

Another game-changer is the ability to embed attachments and ProPricer reports directly within your cost volume—no more copy-and-pasting ProPricer screenshots into Word docs. Cost Volume Pro allows you to embed a report, and then update the contents of the entire cost volume when proposal data changes, and even during iteration and version changes. Additionally, the ability to reuse existing justification text for rates and materials across all related proposals saves valuable time as you prepare subsequent proposals.

Cost Volume Compliance Headaches are a Thing of the Past

One of the primary challenges in preparing cost volumes is ensuring that every submission accurately syncs with customer requirements. Cost Volume Pro addresses this head-on by simplifying the creation of customer-required submission packages. By reducing human error, this solution helps ensure that your responses are not only accurate but also compliant with all necessary regulations and guidelines.

For example, imagine a scenario where you, as a contractor, respond to an RFP from the Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD has stringent requirements for cost volume submissions, including specific formats, detailed justifications and comprehensive documentation. With Cost Volume Pro, you can consistently meet these requirements by leveraging predefined document rules, sections and styles. These safeguards ensure that every submission is consistent around compliance, increasing the likelihood of your successful bid.

How Cost Volume Pro Looks in the Real Contract World

Accurate cost management is crucial for success in government contracting, where precision and reliability can make or break a project. Cost Volume Pro is specifically designed to meet these challenges.

But the benefits of Cost Volume Pro aren’t just theoretical. For instance, a mid-sized engineering firm might implement Cost Volume Pro. Before using this tool, the firm struggled with inconsistent cost volumes and frequent errors, leading to multiple revisions and missed deadlines.

After adopting, the firm can experience a dramatic improvement in its proposal process. The ability to automatically update cost and pricing data, embed necessary documents and reuse justification text significantly reduces the time and effort required to prepare each submission. As a result, the firm could submit more government proposals on time, with greater accuracy and compliance, ultimately winning more contracts.

Another example is a large defense contractor that might integrate Cost Volume Pro within its existing ProPricer environment. The controlled user access features can bolster the firm with added confidence, as only authorized personnel can make changes to the documents, reducing the risk of unauthorized edits and ensuring consistency across all proposals.

Key Benefits of Cost Volume Pro

  1. Comprehensive Cost Volumes. No detail is left unchecked. Cost Volume Pro ensures that every aspect of your cost volume is thoroughly documented and accurate, providing a complete picture that meets all customer requirements.
  2. Consistent Outputs, Every Time. Say goodbye to variability; our system guarantees uniformity in every document. By standardizing the proposal process, Cost Volume Pro ensures that each submission is consistent, professional and reliable.
  3. Controlled User Access. Regain faith in your cost process through controlled document creation. Cost Volume Pro offers robust user access controls, ensuring that only authorized personnel can change your cost volumes.
  4. Predefined Document Rules, Sections and Styles. Streamline your process with predefined guidelines. Cost Volume Pro provides predefined document rules, sections and styles, making creating consistent, compliant, and professional submissions easy.
  5. Seamless Integration with ProPricer. Enhance your existing ProPricer environment with effortless integration. Cost Volume Pro is designed to work seamlessly with ProPricer, allowing you to leverage your existing systems and processes without the need for extensive retraining or system modifications.

No Matter Your Firm’s Size, Cost Volume Pro Delivers

Whether you're a small business looking to improve your proposal capabilities or a large contractor seeking to enhance your existing systems, Cost Volume Pro offers the tools and features you need to succeed. Learn more about this innovative add-on and how it can transform your proposal process, teeing up success in your contracting efforts.


Cost Volume Pro

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  • ProPricer BOE Pro now includes Smart Sections in BOE Templates. You can dynamically map sections, enabling quick section input when selecting a combination of fields from a list-type section. This new feature helps Proposal Managers define the text sections available for each estimating group or method, as well as hide sections that do not apply.