Deltek List of Sub-Processors


Deltek Inc. uses the entities below (each a “sub-processor”) to process personal data on behalf of Deltek customers. By entering into an Agreement with Deltek customers authorize the use of these sub-processors applicable to the product(s) and/or service(s) covered by the Agreement.

Prior to onboarding sub-processors Deltek conducts a review of their information security and privacy practices to ensure sub-processors provide the level of security and privacy appropriate to their access to customer data and the scope of the services they are engaged to provide. All Deltek sub-processors are subject to data processing agreements which include applicable lawful cross-border data transfer mechanisms and materially identical levels of data protection that Deltek has promised our customers. Throughout the term of their engagement all Deltek sub-processors are required to abide by appropriate security confidentiality and privacy contract terms.

Cloud Hosting Providers

Deltek controls access to the infrastructure that stores and processes customer data hosted in Deltek’s SaaS environments. Each of Deltek’s SaaS offerings contain multiple servers and services to deliver applications efficiently and effectively. SaaS offerings are hosted in primary regions while backups are replicated to a secondary geographic region within the provider’s Cloud.

Sub-processor Categories of Personal Data Applicable Deltek Offering/s Location of Processing Security Measures
Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) Personal data contained in user account information and text or files created by customer and stored in applicable SaaS offering Ajera, ArchiSnapper*, Costpoint, Maconomy, Project Information Management (PIM), SpecBuilder, Deltek Talent Management (DTM), Unionpoint, Vantagepoint, Vision North America (storage in the US), EU (storage in Ireland and Germany), and ANZ (storage in Australia and Singapore)

*ArchiSnapper storage is only in Ireland for all customers
Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Microsoft (Azure) ConceptShare, Specpoint, WorkBook North America (storage in the US), EU (storage in Ireland and the Netherlands), Middle East and Africa (storage in South Africa and the UAE), Asia (storage in Hong Kong and Singapore), and Australia (storage in Australia) Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF

Customer Support

As part of an Agreement there may be circumstances in which Customer personal data is disclosed in the course of fulfilling support requests or providing support-related professional services. The sub-processors below are for support and maintenance ticketing and related communication systems.

Sub-processor Categories of Personal Data Applicable Deltek Offering/s Location of Processing Security Measures
Oracle America Inc. Personal data a customer chooses to disclose while receiving support services All Deltek Products United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Philippines Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Microsoft Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Salesforce Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Cloud66 Incorporated (through AWS) ArchiSnapper Ireland, United States Data Processing Addendum
Intercom R&D Unlimited Company ArchiSnapper Ireland, United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Zendesk Deltek Learning Zone (DLZ) United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF

Other Functionalities

The sub-processors below are for other functionalities within or integrated in Deltek products.

Sub-processor Function Applicable Deltek Offering/s Categories of Personal Data Location of Processing Security Measures
Aha! Labs Inc. Ideas Portal All Products End-User names, contact information, and e-mail addresses United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
AppDynamics Application and end-user monitoring Unionpoint Application Performance United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Braintree (a PayPal Inc. Service) Credit card payment processor ArchiSnapper Payment card information United States Data Processing Addendum
Business Objects Software Limited T/A SAP Solutions Business objects reporting capability (partner integration) Maconomy User’s name and contact details Ireland Data Processing Addendum
Gainsight Data usage analytics within the interface; Customer Onboarding task Management, Account Review, and Email Logging ComputerEase, Costpoint, GovWin, Specpoint, Talent Management, Unionpoint, Vantagepoint, Workbook User’s name and contact details United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Intercom R&D Unlimited Company Usage analytics; user tutorials and guides ConceptShare User’s name and contact details Ireland, United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Jira / Atlassian Project management tool that Deltek Professional Services use All Products Usernames /Emails United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Twilio Inc. (fka SendGrid) Outgoing email SMTP feature (Customer configurable) ConceptShare, Maconomy, Talent Management, Vantagepoint, Vision, Workbook User’s email address, email content, company information United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Workato Data storage and integration Unionpoint User email information and account information United States Data Processing Addendum
Zerobounce Email Validation SpecBuilder User email information and account information United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Tool to create and manage invoices for users ArchiSnapper User’s name and contact details The Netherlands Data Processing Addendum

Deltek Learning Zone

Deltek’s product training is offered through our subscription-based learning platform Deltek Learning Zone which uses the following sub-processors.

Sub-processor Function Categories of Personal Data Location of Processing Security Measures
CloudShare Shares classes and trainings Usernames /Emails United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF
Credly Issues digital credentials Usernames /Emails United States Data Processing Addendum
ProProfs Third-party quiz builder Usernames /Emails United States Data Processing Addendum

Optional Features

The sub-processors below are for optional features within Deltek products.

Sub-processor Function Applicable Deltek Offering/s Categories of Personal Data Location of Processing Security Measures
Plaid Bank transaction aggregation and payment reconciliation automation Ajera, Vantagepoint User’s name and contact details United States Data Processing Addendum
Veryfi Intelligent character recognition Ajera, Costpoint, Maconomy, Vantagepoint User’s name and contact details United States Data Processing Addendum
Google Analytics Google Maps API and ReCAPTCHA functionality Talent Management User’s email address, client ID (where present), and user navigation clicks and picks United States Data Processing Addendum, EU-US DPF

Deltek|Replicon Sub-processors

Replicon’s sub-processors are listed here.

Deltek Group Sub-processors

The following Deltek affiliates and subsidiaries are sub-processors providing technical operational support. Deltek employees may be located in any of the countries listed here.

Entity Applicable Deltek Offering/s Entity Country
Deltek Inc. All Deltek Products United States
Deltek Australia PTY LTD. All Deltek Products Australia
Deltek GB Limited All Deltek Products United Kingdom
Deltek Philippines LLC All Deltek Products Philippines
Deltek Systems (Canada) Inc. All Deltek Products Canada
Deltek Danmark A/S Maconomy Denmark
Deltek GmbH All Deltek Products Germany
Deltek Norge AS All Deltek Products Norway
Deltek Sverige AB All Deltek Products Sweden
Deltek Nederland B.V. All Deltek Products The Netherlands
Deltek Replicon Software (India) Private Limited Replicon India
Deltek France SAS All Deltek Products France
ArchiSnapper B.V. ArchiSnapper The Netherlands

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