Amy Worth
Languages Spoken


Services I provide
  • Employee Development Administration
  • Learning Administration
  • Performance Management/Enablement
Industries I serve
  • Construction
  • Consulting
  • Government Contracting
Products I Know
  • Talent Management
Talent Management Pro
Deltek Certifications
  • Pro HR Specialist
  • Pro Recruiter

About Me

• Provide advice and hands on support for HCM system implementation projects, primarily implementing Deltek Talent Management Suite to include Acquisition, Learning, Development, Compensation and Performance modules.

• Proactively consult on best practice methodology to ensure client success.

• Configure HCM system according to client requirements, support testing, integration development efforts and training.

• Assist clients during all phases of system implementation projects.

• Assist with defining the approach and end state architecture of Talent Solutions while advising on best practices

• iCIMS Admin/SME

• HR Support and Inquires

• Work cross departmentally to translate organizational requirements to system functionality and ensure understanding of system capabilities and limitations

• Participate in Talent Solutions initiatives, e.g., process improvement, product improvement and identifying best practices

• Design, develop, implement, and support these initiatives

• Partner closely with 3rd party vendors to define integration specifications and requirements (iCIMS, PeopleSoft, Phenom People, Success Factors)

• Document configurations and development activities

• Coordinate quality assurance on testing of configurations and support user acceptance testing by answering questions, guiding them through the process, recording sessions and resolving issues

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