Dylan Vandel
Languages Spoken


Services I provide
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Advisory Services
  • Assessment and Development of Accounting Processes
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Cash Management
  • Compilations and Reviews
Industries I serve
  • Architecture & Engineering
  • Construction
  • Consulting
Products I Know
  • Vantagepoint
Deltek Vantagepoint
Deltek Certifications
  • Pro Bookkeeper
  • Pro Project Accountant

About Me

While Outrun Strategies' tenure may be brief, I have been working in Deltek products for over six years, serving as a the Vantagepoint database administrator for a company of over 250 employees for over four years. I'm experienced in all things Vantagepoint, from expense reports, to workflows, to month-end processing, to stored procedures. As a Vantagepoint certified professional and Business Intelligence Analyst, I'm passionate about data and making it come to life. I understand that not everyone gets excited for numbers and columns in an excel sheet, and that's ok. I love creating visualizations to help data become more valuable. I have experience in utilizing Microsoft Excel and Power BI to take business intelligence to the next level.

Outrun Strategies provides the opportunity to expand and help others reach the full potential of their data, systems, and processes. My experience as a Business Intelligence Analyst gives me the tools and knowhow to extract pertinent information from Vantagepoint so others can make informed decisions.

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